June 15, 2004

DISGRUNTLED CATHOLICS: WHAT BROUGHT YOU BACK? An addendum from Father Tucker. His first post is here. The postscript is here; full text follows. You can email him with your replies at DonJimUSA &at;& yahoo.it. Everything that follows in this post is by him, not me:

As the flip-side to the earlier question, “What keeps inactive Catholics inactive?” I’d like to pose this question: “If you returned to practicing the Faith after an extended absence, what brought you back?” A number of you have included this in your mails to me. This is a question I often ask when someone goes to confession after many years, so I have some thoughts on this already.

Put another way: what are the things in the Catholic Church that most attract the fallen-away back and bring in those who have never belonged to her in the first place?

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