September 29, 2004

She keeps Moet & Chandon

In her pretty cabinet;

“Let them watch blogs,” she says,

Just like Marie Antoinette…

Volokhs a-Go-Go: The mainline Protestant churches on religious freedom: “Overall, criticisms of Israel amounted to 37 percent of the 197 human rights criticisms offered by the churches during those years, only slightly higher than the 32 percent of criticisms leveled at the United States. The remaining 31 percent of criticisms were shared by twenty other nations.” Let me know if I have to explain why this sucks.

On a far less important note, E. Volokh is exactly right: Respect the Box.

A blogchild: “My interests, in no particular order save one: Catholicism, liturgical music, choral music, opera, German, Russian, French (gasp! — but they make wonderful pipe organs), and Tolkien. Not to mention poetry, literature, Southern-ness, etc. etc.”

Meet the New Deal, same as the old deal; or, Solidarity forever, the union makes them strong–Reason book review on the New Deal’s effect on black workers. I note that I have exactly no expertise here. Still, fascinating piece… with bonus Chicago Defender cartoon! Via Hit & Run.

Marriage Savers in Virginia. Yay! Via Dappled Things.

In other news, Jim Henley has made me rediscover a CD I already had, Elvis Costello’s All This Useless Beauty, and I am grateful.

Fastidious and precise…

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