November 23, 2004

GONZALES: Scathing piece in Washington Post.

Timid-but-still-fairly-scathing-given-the-source editorial from ditto.

This matters. Earlier I compared Gonzales to Arlen Specter. Specter still has his cute little chairmanship. But he had to make a lot of statements that will (I hope, and expect) constrict his future actions; he had to expend political capital; he had to watch as someone else wrote the script for the rest of his term. Everybody says Gonzales is gonna get confirmed. Okay. I don’t like that, but if that happens, I at least want him to get confirmed in a way that tells the major media where his weaknesses are and what to watch for, and a way that gets him on record disavowing the wretched junk he has pulled in the past. And, as Jonathan Adler points out, a way that makes him unattractive Supreme Court material, too.

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