December 23, 2004

YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO TO CONFESSION FOR FEELING LOUSY. “Part of the misunderstanding — the main part — comes from the confusion of grace with sentiment. Christianity is not, pace Schleiermacher, about religious feelings. I can be in a state of sin, and still feel very religious and “in tune” with God. I can likewise be in a high state of grace, and still feel barren and empty. My feeling and emotion tell me nothing of my relationship with God. Nothing at all. It’s useful to remember the lessons of the mystics (especially John of the Cross) who spent long periods of time in utter desolation and complete lack of religious sentiment. Their great insight is that such periods are of the greatest spiritual value: because they persevere in prayer and good works not because doing so makes them feel good, but for love of God alone, with no eye toward any interior consolations that they would hope to receive. Because the motive is purer, the merit of such prayer is greater. Their prayer and good works have value even though they are accompanied by no pleasant feelings at all.” (more)

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