February 1, 2005

WHY DOES NOBODY TALK ABOUT ROMER V. EVANS? [edited to cut subpar discussion of Lawrence v Texas, which isn’t the point of this post, since I know why people talk about Lawrence. What I want to know is:] So… why does nobody talk about Romer? If Supreme Court cases about sex-and-related-issues were characters from “The Lion in Winter,” Romer would be Geoffrey. (“Nobody ever says ‘king’ and thinks ‘Geoffrey'”–but you do not want to be on his bad side….) Roe or maybe Casey might be Richard (you never call, you never write), and obviously Bowers v. Hardwick is Philip. Further casting suggestions are welcome (Griswold as Eleanor–“I’d hang you from the nipples, but you’d frighten the children”??); even more welcome are substantive discussions of the title of this post, since I still don’t know the answer.

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