Does this count as preferring the tinsel?

Does this count as preferring the tinsel? June 13, 2012

So now I’m revisiting all of the answers in Leah’s Ideological Turing Test in order to see which ones I straight-up liked. Keep in mind that I strongly disliked both of my own answers! So far the only one I’ve really liked and whose author I wanted to know better is this fake atheist.

Well, actually, there were many other entries (both real and fake, and both atheist and Christian) which had points I found intriguing but which didn’t develop those points. In a real conversation I would have asked about some of that stuff, and we would have been able to engage more fully, I hope. Anyway this exercise–and reading the comments!–can give a sense of just how difficult it is to gauge someone’s personality or intuit the larger shape of their belief system based on a small slice of their online persona….

Oh, wait, right, I remember that the first time I read it I wanted to flag this line from a real atheist, since I agreed with it and thought it was a useful analogy: “[Trusting someone’s prudential judgment on moral questions] is more like trusting someone’s judgement of history than trusting their judgement of physics, in that there are a lot of unreliable sources and often little hard data.” (Huh, I see that I guessed that both of this guy’s answers were genuine!–his fake Christian one is here.)

(Title reference.)

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