An Interview with Rohene Ward, Jason Brown’s Choreographer

An Interview with Rohene Ward, Jason Brown’s Choreographer March 17, 2014

“One day, he will be an iconic choreographer!” Kori Ade, Jason Brown’s coach, had told icenetwork about her protégé’s choreographer, Rohene Ward.

At the time, Brown had just finished third in the short program at Trophée Eric Bompard, en route to something he had not even dreamed about at the time: a silver medal at the 2014 U.S. Figure Skating Championships and participation in the Olympic Games in his first season in the senior ranks. In just one evening last November, the French skating audience had been taken by storm by the pure lines and bold presence of Brown on the ice as well as that exquisite choreography, which transcended his presence into a true present.

more; and here’s Brown’s “Riverdance” at Nationals, in case you somehow missed it when everybody posted it on Facebook!


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