Musical Rosary #9: Carrying the Cross

Musical Rosary #9: Carrying the Cross June 26, 2014

As they were going out, they met a Cyrenian named Simon; this man they pressed into service to carry his cross

Today’s entry will be brief, since I’ve written before about the embarrassment and even shame we feel at asking others to help us bear our cross. We think of friendship as a form of sharing in one another’s joy, but resist sharing our suffering and struggles, because we don’t want to be burdens. But at some point every true friend acts as Simon of Cyrene.

Sometimes it’s helpful to switch the roles in your head: If my close friend were going through [thing I’m ashamed to ask for help with], would I want her to come to me? Of course I would. It would be a blessing to me to be able to help her or walk with her. I would be grateful for her honesty and her trust in me, and for the opportunity to serve.

Love which shies away from carrying its Cross isn’t love in its fullness. But as the Gospel depiction of Simon of Cyrene suggests, a too-reserved, too-stoic love, which insists on carrying its Cross alone, also lacks in imitation of Christ.

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