May 24, 2002

Jessie is a friend, yeah, I know he’s been a good friend of mine But lately something’s changed that ain’t hard to define Jessie’s got himself a blog and I want to make it mine… You know, I wish that I watched Jessie’s blog I wish that I watched Jessie’s blog… Brink Lindsey: Not only does he resume his ever-popular North Korean Dear Psycho Leader Watch–this time, there are cucumbers involved. What a sick joke of a tyrant. Unqualified Offerings:... Read more

May 24, 2002

“All through, Ed?” “You’d hardly believe how through I am.” –Joseph Calleia and Alan Ladd, “The Glass Key” Read more

May 23, 2002

Blog-blog-watch-a-me bambino, Bo-bo-boca piccolino… Find the non-Catholic blog! (That’s just what happened today, folks. More non-mackerel-snapping links another day.) The Cranky Professor: Good post on things to think about w/r/t married priests. Disputations: A huge amount of good stuff, esp. these reflections on forgiveness. I am not a forgiving person by nature, and really had a hard time even getting my mind around the concept–I’ve been known to ask people, “What do you do when you forgive somebody? I mean,... Read more

May 23, 2002

“AMERICAN JIHAD” UPDATES: Several posts by Yglesias about the Harvard Commencement speaker who plans to discuss “American Jihad.” Read more

May 23, 2002

AWFUL. A column on a truly evil, abusive “drug rehab” program. I’d read about these places before, but not recently. Click here for emails the article’s author received in response. The column is difficult to read, stomach-churning, so be forewarned. (Links via Brink Lindsey.) Read more

May 23, 2002

“The world, my friends, as it is now constituted, stinks!” –Jack Carson, “Blues in the Night” Read more

May 22, 2002

HOME IS THE PLACE WHERE, WHEN YOU HAVE TO GO THERE…: A reader writes, “After reading the Old Oligarch’s post about the jackasses in Washington’s 911 office, I have to wonder why anyone would live in the city itself unless they had no other options–and the only folks I can think of in that category are people assigned to the Marine Barracks, Bolling AFB, and places like that. After thinking long and hard about the subject of life in the... Read more

May 22, 2002

POETRY WEDNESDAY: From E.E. Cummings, a poem that is partly silly but mostly really good: pity this busy monster, manunkind, not. [clipped] Read more

May 22, 2002

MARRIED SAINTS (AND MORE!): The products of a quick Google search, out of curiosity. Married Saints of Northern Italy A book about married saints Patron saints for children born out of wedlock “What kind of saints do people want?” (An interesting article addressing the question, “Has the Church been canonizing too few married saints?” The author doesn’t really answer, but she does provide a different perspective on the ways in which saints are role models for the faithful. I’d love... Read more

May 22, 2002

I’m goin’ down to Blogspot, the blog’s a friend to me, Lives beneath the ocean, that’s where I will be Beneath the waves, the waves, and that’s where I will be I’m gonna watch the blogs beneath the sea… Blogwatch regulars Ted Barlow and Charles Murtaugh are on the same wavelength with these posts on what Dubya didn’t say about human rights. Don’t Be A Shamed: History lesson. Peter Maass has a blog! Lots of really interesting international news. I’m... Read more

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