Why the Family Bill is Necessary to Protect Parents’ Rights

Why the Family Bill is Necessary to Protect Parents’ Rights January 27, 2025

The Family Rights and Responsibilities Act is proposed in Congress to reinforce parental rights – image courtesy of govtrack.us.


The 118th Congress introduced a bill to protect the family structure and reinforce parents’ rights over their children. Left-wing ideology has attacked the family structure for many years, intensifying under former President Biden’s administration. Congress sponsored this bill to reinforce parents’ rights regarding their children. Do you think this is necessary? Let’s take a look.

Why Do We Need This Bill?

Unfortunately, this bill would generally be unnecessary, but that is not the case here. The bill must reinforce family structure and parents’ rights. There have been constant efforts to expand societal influence over children and reduce parental influence. This bill must reset expectations and reinforce that parents are the primary influence over their kids. That never happens, you say? Unfortunately, you would be wrong.

The Family Under Attack

Parents discovered what their children were taught through remote learning during COVID-19. School board meetings became contentious when parents attempted to confront board members about this. This situation was further exacerbated when the White House engaged the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate these incidents. The NY Post reported:

In a letter to the president last month (October 2021), the head of the nation’s largest school board association reached out to the Biden administration before suggesting that parents who object to mask mandates and the imposition of critical race theory in classrooms are engaging in “a form of domestic terrorism,” the emails show.

  • Mask mandates from the Covid pandemic were a very emotional issue during this time.
  • Teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) surprised many parents who felt that this teaching skewed our American history and objected to the politics associated with this curriculum.
  • The biggest driver for this bill has been the battle over “gender identity.” Children at a very young age are being introduced to gender ideology to “define” who they are. The schools contributed to confusing the students. This confusion has become a growing issue across the country and is exacerbated by the following ideas:
    • There are more than two genders
    • You can change your “gender” medically to conform to your feelings.
    • Your “gender identity” could be shielded from the parents if the child so chooses.
    • Men can get pregnant.

Parents feel the schools overstepped their authority, which they did. They did so to instill thoughts and ideas many parents objected to.

The Family Rights and Responsibilities Act

This is the official name of bill H.R. 6934. The bill defines the purpose as:

“To protect the right of parents to direct the upbringing of their children as a fundamental right.”

The “Congressional Findings and Declaration of Purposes” state:

  • The nature of the parent-child relationship endows parents with the primary responsibility and obligation to care for their child.
  • From these responsibilities and obligations comes the pre-political, natural right of parents to care for their children.
  • The role of parents in the raising and rearing of their children is of inestimable value and deserving of both praise and protection by all levels of government.
  • This right as recognized in the traditions of western civilization recognizes that parents have the responsibility to love, nurture, raise, and protect their children.
  • The right encompasses the authority of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and health care of their children according to the dictates of their conscience, to direct the upbringing, education, and health care of their children in their own beliefs and religion, and to be the primary decision maker for their child until the child reaches adulthood.

Please Support This Bill

Yes, it is necessary to support this bill as efforts to erode the family structure and parents’ rights will not stop. This effort started by separating God from the schools and outlawing prayer under the guise of “Separation of Church and State.” The “separation of church and state” ensures that the state cannot force a specific religion on anyone. Efforts to confuse children with “gender ideology” and a rewrite of history must be stopped.

Please share your thoughts on this article in the comments section.


About Dennis McIntyre
In my early years, I was a member of the Methodist church, where I was baptized as a child and eventually became a lector. I always felt very faith-filled, but something was missing. My wife is Catholic, and my children were baptized as Catholics, which helped me find what I was looking for. I wanted to be part of something much bigger than myself walking together with Jesus. I was welcomed into the Catholic faith and received the sacraments as a full member of the Catholic Church in 2004. I am a Spiritual Director and very active in ministry, serving as a Lector and Eucharistic Minister and providing spiritual direction. I have spent time working with the sick and the terminally ill in local hospitals and Hospice Care centers and found these ministries to be challenging but extremely rewarding. You can read more about the author here.
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