Corporate Bullies and Christian Failure

Corporate Bullies and Christian Failure March 30, 2016

When corporate bullies dangling dollar bills is enough to cause a Baptist governor to veto a bill protecting religious freeom, a bigger problem exits.

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal announced Monday that he has vetoed a religious liberty bill passed by the state legislature. Evangelical Christians strongly supported the legislation, citing its protections for pastors to opt out of performing same-sex weddings. The Washington Post reports that the legislation would have given religious organizations the ability to refuse certain services, including charitable services, if doing so clashed with their religious beliefs.

The legislation sparked objections from major donors and corporations including AT&T, Bank of America, Delta Airlines, the NFL, and Coca-Cola, who saw it as discriminatory against persons who identify as gay or transgender.

But Gov. Deal’s veto of Georgia’s religious freedom bill isn’t Christian compassion nor leadership. It’s cowardice.

A member of Gainsville’s First Baptist Church, Gov. Deal’s cave represents a wider movement among America’s Christians to compromise Scripture and morality for the sake of votes and popularity. Unfortunately, there are many of our Evangelical, Mainline Protestant, and Catholic neighbors bowing down at altars of sexual liberation and political correctness, erected by cultural Leftists.

Meanwhile, Christians in Syria and Iraq refuse to abandon their faith in the face of death and Islamic terror. Compromising Christians, such as Gov. Deal, should be ashamed of themselves for sacrificing the protection of pastors and faith-based organizations for the sake of approval.

Religious freedom is an essential cornerstone of democracy. Compromising Christians who condemn legislation intended to protect citizen’s freedom of conscience and speech, hand over our convictions to a coercive government incapable of refereeing truth.

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