February 17, 2016

When is singing hymns damning? When the increased volume of the hymn singing is not out of passion for the Lord, but to drown out the cries for help of those destined for slaughter. That was the indictment against some churches in WWII Germany within hearing distance of the railroad taking Jews to the concentration camps. I first heard this story, related in Erwin Lutzer’s When a Nation Forgets God, from retired U.S. Representative Frank R. Wolf (R-VA), who tells it to challenge American Christians:... Read more

February 13, 2016

Sometimes you just don’t know how to choose between two good churches. Folks, behold the brand new challenge afoot in what I’ve dubbed my “dreaded church search.” Read more

February 9, 2016

It is one thing to differ on music styles and wardrobe choices appropriate for Sunday morning service with your fellow church congregants. It is entirely another to disagree on the sacredness of sexuality, marriage, conscience, and life. Read more

February 8, 2016

February 8 is the Feast Day of Josephine Bakhita, former Sudanese slave, canonized as St. Josephine Bakhita on October 1, 2000. Yes, I realize that this blog is in the Evangelical channel, but the life and testimony of this saint is truly Ευαγγέλιο, the Good News of the Gospel. It is also a reminder of how God can use for good the most evil and despicable actions of men. And it is a demonstration of Jesus’ love for the daughters of Darfur. The patron... Read more

February 3, 2016

Abortion as an institution is pro-nobody. Well, maybe pro-Planned Parenthood and its baby parts trafficking scheme. Read more

February 2, 2016

Those who previously were uninformed about – or in denial of – the severity of the trials that face Christians around the world have had to come to grips with the graphic images of martyred men in orange jumpsuits on a Libyan seashore. Multiply those martyrs by the millions and spread them throughout punishment and prison camps in North Korea, scorched-earth villages in Sudan, bomb-blasted churches in Pakistan, house churches and police stations in China, corpse-lined streets in northern Nigeria,... Read more

February 1, 2016

Be careful how you joke about conservative evangelical women. Not all of us Instagram our coffee and “quiet time with the Lord.” Some of us prefer to make noise. Read more

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