God In America Live Chat at Patheos

God In America Live Chat at Patheos October 12, 2010

Join us this week at Patheos for a live chat on this week’s PBS special God in America!   Along with an opportunity to chat with the producers of the series, you’ll also see interviews with three of the show’s producers and a review of the entire series.

Stephen Prothero, one of the show’s chief editorial consultants, is also interviewed about the show and his book God Is Not One, this week at Patheos. Here’s a question and answer from the interview:

A lot of people will see and hear you on the new PBS documentary, God In America. (We’re hosting the post-film discussion at Patheos.) How would you summarize to that film audience what your bookGod Is Not One, is about, and why people should read it?

God in America is of course about U.S. religious history while God Is Not One is about religion worldwide. Because of its emphasis on religion and public power, the PBS mini-series focuses on Christians because, for better or for worse, Christians have held (and continue to hold) the reins of public power in the United States. But Americans today live in a world in which those reins are held by Muslims in Iran and Confucians in China and Hindus in India, so we need to know something about those religions to make sense of the world. I think God in America will appeal to viewers who would like to address their own religious literacy deficits by learning something about the role of religion in U.S. history. God Is Not One will appeal to readers who would like to address those same deficits by learning something about the role of religion across the globe today.

Read the rest of the interview here.  And visit the Patheos Book Club for more resources on God Is Not One.

Come and join the live chat today from 3-4 pm EST;  and Wednesday/Thursday from noon-1 pm EST.

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