The GOP Casino Gravy Train: First Abramoff, Then Reed, Now Adelson

The GOP Casino Gravy Train: First Abramoff, Then Reed, Now Adelson September 25, 2008

Jack Abramoff’s in prison…Ralph Reed is disgraced…what’s a

poor Republican to do when they need access to casino money to fund their most
outrageous attacks on Democratic opponents?
Answer:  Turn to Vegas Casino
Billionaire Sheldon Adelson and his shadow 527 group, Freedom’s

Sheldon Adelson, who made his billions in casinos where the
deck is always stacked against the little guy, is now transferring that
philosophy into the political world.
Because Democratic candidates must abide by campaign finance
regulations, they can only take donations in small amounts.  The average budget for a successful
Congressional campaign in ’06 was around $1.5 million.  A 527 like Freedom’s Watch, on the other hand,
has no donation limits and does not have to even report who its donors

Enter Sheldon Adelson, his 527’s billion dollar media
budget, and an advertising strategy that has never heard of the 9th
Commandment.  Suddenly popular Democrats
who are leading in the polls and outpacing their opponents in donations from
voters are facing Adelson’s attack machine that can saturate the airwaves with
lie after lie and do so at buy levels no Congressional campaign can possibly
compete with. 

Especially in larger and rural markets where it’s harder for
the local press to fact-check and call out the lies, the Democrats are forced
to spend their time and money setting the record straight with voters instead
of talking about their vision and hope for the future.

In AL-02 for example, where popular Montgomery mayor Bobby Bright is
currently up by 10 points in his race for that open seat, Freedom Watch has
started flooding the airwaves with flat out lies about his record, his
character, and has even attacked his faith.

It is clear that Adelson will continue to use his ill-gotten
gains for shadowy purposes.  The question
is whether we will allow his billions and Freedom’s Watch’s lies to buy
elections.  The press needs to call out
these tactics and make sure that voters understand who is behind them…and all
Americans of good will need to respond by giving to the races that are being
targeted by Adelson to help them fight back.
There is just too much at stake in this election to allow a casino baron
to single-handedly pick off our most promising candidates.  


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