March 21, 2016

My friend Dr. McKay Caston (who happens to also be my pastor) preached a sermon recently that demonstrates how pastors can and should preach about religious freedom. It is fine example of speaking the truth in love and preparing a congregation for the rising tide of persecution in America. McKay has agreed to let me post the audio here and share his sermon notes below. You can follow his blog here. I encourage you to share them with pastors and... Read more

March 19, 2016

The cultural wildfire is spreading, just as we predicted in You Will Be Made to Care. First they came for the bakers, florists, pharmacists, adoption agencies and fire chiefs. Now they have come for the barbers. Gender identity that is now being used to pressure a California barber to violate his conscience. Richard Hernandez only cuts men’s hair. He interprets a passage from 1 Corinthians (pronounced First Corinthians, Donald) “if a woman has long hair, it is her glory” to... Read more

March 19, 2016

Jesus said it best: “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” The NFL is insisting that states be made to choose between the two–God or money: Mercedes-Benz Stadium, now under construction in downtown Atlanta, is one of several stadiums under consideration for Super Bowl LIV, which would be played at the end of... Read more

March 18, 2016

Republicans ignoring the rule of law is part of what has Trump voters so upset in the first place. So I find it more than a little ironic that both Trump and his fans are threatening riots (figuratively, of course—wink) and Trumpertantrums if he fails to secure a majority of the delegates and is not made the nominee anyways. Trump and all candidates knew the rules going into this process: you must secure a majority of the delegates to get the... Read more

March 11, 2016

You know those times where you repeat a word over and over and over and it starts to sound like nonsense? It loses all meaning and you wonder what you were talking about in the first place. Today, that word resounding ad nauseum across FaceBook feeds, YouTube comment sections, and social issues articles is tolerant. Americans should be more tolerant! I can’t believe you’re such an intolerant bigot! You need to be more tolerant of his/her/its lifestyle choices! I sort... Read more

March 11, 2016

Georgia isn’t the only state where religious freedom is under attack these days. As we warn in You Will Be Made to Care, the Left is just getting started. In Missouri, Democratic senators filibustered a bill that would permit the people of Missouri to vote to amend their Constitution to give clear protection to those who object on moral grounds to redefining the institution of marriage. Missouri State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal and other Democratic lawmakers filibustered to block the bill... Read more

March 9, 2016

After the voting results yesterday, it is abundantly clear, or at least it should be, that Marco Rubio has no path to a majority of delegates in the Republican primary. But that doesn’t mean he does not have significant influence at this moment in the race. In fact, he may be the most influential player today. How he makes his next move will matter significantly for the future of our nation. Leadership can be a funny thing, often requiring us... Read more

March 8, 2016

The Atlanta Journal Constitution actually used this headline to report Governor Nathan Deal’s surrender of religious freedom in Georgia: Nathan Deal makes a forceful, biblical case against Georgia’s ‘religious liberty’ bill If ever there was a snort-worthy headline, this is it. The truth is that what we are seeing in Georgia is crony capitalism at its worst—big business in bed with lovers of big government being pushed by special interests to trample the rights of the majority of citizens. It... Read more

March 5, 2016

During the February 25 GOP debate, Governor Kasich made an alarming statement on religious liberty. He encouraged Americans to put commerce over conscience and to engage in what they believe to be sinful for the sake of the “greater good.” His “conservative” position left much to be desired. In a recent blog post I took him to task for his attack on religious liberty. Kasick reversed his position in the March 3 Fox News debate. Essentially, he took the position I laid... Read more

March 5, 2016

I like Andy Stanley. His writing and teaching have been a help to me over the years. But his recent attack on families and churches leaves me wondering if he hasn’t drunk too much of his own mega-church Kool-aid. I’ve enjoyed Stanley’s leadership sessions at Catalyst and elsewhere. Although we’ve never met, we have a number of mutual friends. He is the pastor of the largest church in America. But his recent slam on any church that isn’t trying to be... Read more

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