
Bareback May 26, 2014


There are times when how we operate in the world just turns upside down. This poem speaks to such a time for me.




No question I’ve been knocked

from my invisible horse and the

one with tools in his hands keeps

prodding: Get back in the saddle.

What are you waiting for? But the

timeless one affirms: You’re not

listening. There is no more saddle.

We’ve done away with all that.

The driven one keeps looking at

his watch: You didn’t work all these

years to walk away now. But the

one who breathes like a flower

replies: We worked all these years

precisely to unfold this way.


A Question to Walk With: In conversation with a friend or loved one, describe a conversation you’re currently in the middle of within yourself. Without judgment, give voice to each side and ask your friend or loved one for simply what they observe; not advice.


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