The What Stories Are Made Of

The What Stories Are Made Of November 13, 2023

What if we misheard
our original instruction?

What if, rather than turning
everything we touch into riches,
we are called to enrich
everything we touch?

What if the sole purpose
of leaving Eden was so
we could find it within?

A Question to Walk With: Describe the rhythm of your heart as you interact with those around you. What does authentic relationship do to you?

This is from my book in progress, The Long Seasons of Being Human.

You can follow Mark on Facebook and Instagram 

For more information about Mark’s books and upcoming events, visit and 

Information about his upcoming webinars, including Mark’s new webinar, Falling Down and Getting Up: Discovering Your Inner Resilience and Strength, that starts October 29th can be found at 

Dec 8-10: St Andrews, Jackson, MI, Weekend Retreat, Falling Down and Getting Up, (Register Here)


Feb 5-10: Modern Elder Academy, Baja, Mexico, Falling Down and Getting Up: Discovering Your Own Resilience and Strength (web link)

Dec 8-14: Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Saying YES to Life: The One Life We’re Given (web link)

2024-2025 Yearlong Journey: 4 Weekends in Kalamazoo, MI, The One Life We’re Given: Finding the Wisdom That Waits in Your Heart (web link)

If you’d like to order Mark’s new book, Falling Done and Getting Up: Discovering Your Inner Resilience and Strength, click here

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