Duck Dynasty defenders now raising doubts about Noah

Duck Dynasty defenders now raising doubts about Noah February 17, 2014

The publicity team behind Noah sure has its work cut out for it. While the studio has been trying for months, if not years, to get Christian audiences excited about the film, it was recently reported that many attendees at the National Prayer Breakfast two weeks ago weren’t even aware that the film is coming out next month; and now Variety reports that Faith Driven Consumer, a website that campaigned on behalf of Duck Dynasty during that show’s recent troubles, is conducting an online survey which asks: “As a Faith Driven Consumer, are you satisfied with a Biblically themed movie – designed to appeal to you – which replaces the Bible’s core message with one created by Hollywood?” Lest there be any doubt about the motives behind this survey, the website specifies that this question is prompted by the so-called “Noah Movie Controversy”. So far, 98% of the survey’s respondents have answered in the negative, which could be construed as a vote against the film itself. No wonder studio chiefs are openly pinning all their hopes on the film’s box-office performance overseas.

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