5 Serious Questions I Have For Christians Who Support Donald Trump

5 Serious Questions I Have For Christians Who Support Donald Trump March 24, 2016


4. How are you able to support someone who speaks so poorly to women?

Trump’s mouth is bad enough, but what’s worse is how he uses it toward women. Between inappropriate sexual innuendos, salivating over how hot he thinks his own daughter is, and how he brags about being sexually promiscuous– as if women are a hill to conquer– I can’t even begin to fathom how a Christian can reconcile supporting this.

How would you feel if someone spoke to your own daughter(s) the way Trump speaks to women? What if someone told your daughter that the only reason she got her job was because she was pretty, or if her boss told her she must look good “down on her knees?” I mean, I can’t even believe I actually have to ask you this.

Are you *really* okay with this? You guys would have kicked me out of Bible school for less than this, and now y’all are endorsing him. It just doesn’t make sense.

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