5 Serious Questions I Have For Christians Who Support Donald Trump

5 Serious Questions I Have For Christians Who Support Donald Trump March 24, 2016


1. Are you feeling okay?

For real– are you ok? Because I’m not sure you’re thinking clearly.

It’s one thing for Christians to have a disagreement on political policy, but I can find no plausible path towards supporting Donald Trump without betraying the Christian faith.

While I want to be charitable with my assumptions, in this case that means I’m just going to have to assume that something must be wrong, and that you’re just not thinking clearly. Because all the other options? Well, those options would far less charitable.

I’ve tried to reconcile this idea of being a Christian and supporting Trump, but to me, it just doesn’t seem possible– not unless one just completely redefines the word Christian. So help me out: if you claim to be a Christian and a Trump supporter, how do you reconcile those two things? I’d be impressed if it could be done.

** this post originally included some good-natured sarcasm that I have since removed so as to not be a stumbling block to some readers. However, call me crazy, but I think we as Christians really need to lighten up.

Image credits:
5 and 4. Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC 2.0
3. Donkey Hotey based on Gage Skidmore original via Flickr, CC 2.0
2. Roger H. Goun via Flicker, CC 2.0
1. Shutterstock

Follow the guy who’d rather eat a chunk of old tuna out of the mayo jar than vote for Trump:

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