Being Christian In A Post-Christian World (That God Show, Episode 11)

Being Christian In A Post-Christian World (That God Show, Episode 11) November 13, 2014


Like it or not, the Christian stage is changing. The era of Christendom that has existed since the time of Constantine is quickly crumbling and a new, somewhat undefined chapter, is sweeping across Christianity– one that many are beginning to call the “Post-Christian” era.

This Christian “climate change” is one that begs a lot of questions– some that are encouraging, and some that might seem frightening to today’s power holders.

Recently I had the chance to sit down with my friend, Christian Piatt, author of the recent book, Post-Christian: What’s Left? Can We Fix It? Do We Care? to discuss the transition out of the era of Christendom and the future of Christianity itself. It was a great discussion that brought up a lot of hard questions that we– those who wish to carry Christianity into the next generation– must really wrestle with.

You can listen to the entire episode here:


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