12 Consequences of Gossip in the Workplace

12 Consequences of Gossip in the Workplace February 18, 2018

Gossip is a problem among many Christians. Amy Tori has written a guest article about gossip in the workplace.


Gossip in the workplace doesn’t always have malicious intent, as some of it can revolve around company news, curiosity and rumors. Regardless, gossiping in general comes with many consequences.

It can spread throughout the workplace and have a lasting negative impact. To show just how toxic gossip can be, here are a dozen business owners to explain the various consequences.

  1. Crushes Morale

“The employees doing the gossiping and being gossiped about not only now have a ruined relationship, but it also rubs off on the entire organization. It can create a very uneasy situation and the friction results in damaged morale throughout the company. Trust is lost and it creates a very uncomfortable working environment.” — Chaim Ellenbogen, Owner of Check O Matic.

  1. Creates Bad Karma

“When you gossip, it almost always comes back to bite you. When you gossip, you are essentially welcoming bad karma into your world. Often times, when one person starts to gossip in the work place it causes the person on the receiving end to start gossip. This creates a never ending circle of gossip and bad karma, which creates a work environment that isn’t healthy.” — Blake Brossman, Owner of PetCareRX.

  1. Slows Productivity

“Gossip in the workplace pulls employees from their job responsibilities, engaging in non-productive discussions, which hurts the business overall. When productivity slows, the quality of the products or service can decrease, as more time and energy is spent gossiping, rather than working to ensure high quality standards are maintained.” — Ryan Hulland, President of Netfloor USA.

  1. Ruins Reputations

“Whether gossip is true or not, it causes people to look at each other differently. Reputations become ruined regardless of the truth, and this can cause unnecessary friction in the office. Being excluded from company functions and unjust treatment by coworkers is a common occurrence when reputations are ruined.” — Eitzik Weinberg, Owner of Dini Wigs.

  1. Eliminates Trust

“Team members that are always gossiping will lose credibility and trust within the company. This can cause team members to be closed off and less open when discussing important issues, as they fear what they say might be the topic of a future gossip session. Nobody wants to provide the fuel for gossip.” — Adam Boalt, CEO & Founder of Travel Visa.

  1. Spreads Lies

“A lot of gossip is lies, with no truth to them at all. When the gossiping continues, it just helps spread those lies. So, anyone that takes part in gossiping is contributing to the problem. It’s not fair to the subjects of the gossip and creates a very uncomfortable work environment.” — Jake Braun, Co-founder of Kapok Marketing.

  1. Hurts Credibility

“Those that gossip have just as much, if not more, to lose than the subjects of the gossiping. Those who are constantly gossiping will have his or her credibility taken away. It’s very unprofessional and a sign of someone that it not to be trusted. Gossip has no place in the office, and those that are known to partake lose all credibility with the rest of the company.” — Neil Peterson, CEO of Repair.Credit.

  1. Promotes Disrespect

“Most gossip is not done in a positive light. In fact, the majority of gossip is talking badly about someone, even when it’s not very serious. Even light hearted gossip is not pleasant, and if you allow it in the workplace you are essentially promoting disrespect throughout your company.” — Christopher VanDecar, CEO of Optimally Organic.

  1. Hurts Others

“When gossip occurs, people get hurt. Those that have been the subject of gossip in the past know how it can make you feel. It can be an emotional rollercoaster, and lead to being embarrassed, even if the gossip isn’t true. The workplace needs to be somewhere that employees can be relaxed and focus on what they are being paid to do, which is work.” — Jim Kang, CEO of VAPOR SOLO USA.

  1. Creates More Gossip

“When someone is on the receiving end of gossip it will often lead to them seeking revenge, which comes in the form of gossiping against the other person — it’s a form of retaliation. This then creates a cycle of back and forth gossip, which can be very messy and costly for a company. It’s best to have a no gossiping policy so it never gets to this level.” — Michael Angel Plaza, CEO of Compare The Financial Markets.

  1. Isolates Employees

“If an employee is known as a gossiper, their fellow employees will resent them and it can cause them to be extremely isolated. Companies thrive when all team members gel and work well together. If some are isolated, it can create friction that creates an uneasy working environment.” — Marc Webb, Managing Director of Real PDL Help.

  1. Triggers Legal Action

“If someone feels his or her reputation, character or career has been harmed due to workplace gossip could file a lawsuit against the company for harassment or defamation. Co-workers can testify and create a very bad situation that could have been avoided entirely.” — James Goodnow, Founding Partner of Lamber Goodnow.

~ Amy Tori

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