March 25, 2014

Are you a World Vision supporter? Have you brought hope and life to a child and community through your generous support? If so, please continue. Why did you become a World Vision supporter in the first place? I’m betting it was because you saw good people doing good work you were not able to do personally. Most of us can’t go to third world countries and provide food, shelter, community, and stick around to implement needed changes. But we can give money... Read more

March 24, 2014

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That’s crap. Absolutely untrue. Bones will heal, words can hurt forever. I have a flood of emotions as I read this letter from a Dad to his gay son. I am a parent of five children and my primary job is to love them and display God’s love in their lives. They will make a lot of decisions about who God is and what kind of God... Read more

March 22, 2014

Fred Phelps. I’ve been thinking of him these last days of his illness and death. I’ve contemplated what he stood for, wondered why he stood for it, and considered whether he thought, in the end, that standing for it was worthwhile. I wonder what he gained and lost. I wonder if he really did all this because he believed in his heart it was right and if, in those last dying days, he regretted the path he chose. Reports that he was... Read more

March 20, 2014

Stacey has been facing untold challenges since her gay son came out in their small, southern town. As you read her poem, consider being in her life, dealing with her issues. We all struggle. We all battle stuff no one else sees. We all just want to be loved, and to be free, and to protect our children. Let Stacey’s tender heart speak to yours. With love, Susan I AM I am a mom I am a mom of a gay teenager... Read more

March 19, 2014

Do you remember what it was like when you came out?  As gay, lesbian, bi, transgender?  As a parent of an LGBTQ child?  As an ally? The fear, joy, confusion, clarity, bondage, freedom, terror, excitement… if you were like me, you were a beautiful mess!  You were more scared yet maybe more alive than you have ever been. In our fervor to advocate for equality and to express newly discovered truth and freedom, we can forget what it was like... Read more

March 17, 2014

Ah, St. Patrick’s Day, with the tradition of wearing green, drinking beer, and excluding LGBTQ expression in the celebratory parades. Um… wait. What? Oh yes, that seems to be the topic for this year’s St. Patrick’s Day parades as Guinness, Samuel Adams, and Heineken have withdrawn support of the New York and Boston parades. You can read the articles for yourself, but as usual, the sides are pretty committed to what they want. One side wants full equality of LGBTQ people, period. That movement has gained... Read more

March 13, 2014

“Some people find fault like there’s a prize for it.” – Zig Ziglar I’m baffled at the fervor with which people tell others what God wants for them.  It reminds me of my kids. Rob and I had a full house for many years: two boys and three girls. We regularly left the kids with a babysitter while we escaped, er, went out. It was for our own sanity, okay??  🙂 When they were old enough, we let them stay... Read more

March 12, 2014

Uganda is in trouble. As we sit in the comfort of our homes debating the Gay-Christian issue, Ugandans fear daily for their lives. For Hitler to round up six million Jews, gays, handicapped or other “undesirables” and send them to concentration camps to die, a lot of people had to look the other way… to their shame. Are we looking the other way now? Deo Accept is the Program Director at Born This Way Uganda. His real name is Mugerwa... Read more

March 11, 2014

“When conservative Christians find out I’m gay, they almost all say the same thing: ‘I know gay people think Christians hate them, but I don’t. I love gay people. I may not agree with them, but I love them.'” (Today’s post is from Justin Lee, Author of “Torn”, and the Executive Director of The Gay Christian Network.) You’d be surprised how often I hear this. Christians are constantly telling me how much they love me. If they treat me disapprovingly,... Read more

March 10, 2014

Today’s post is from Rachel Hockett, someone who has become a dear friend to FreedHearts.  Rachel is the founder of the Equality Mantra on Facebook, an organization with 117,000 members that advocates for global LGBT rights and marriage equality. Co-founding artistic director of the Homecoming Players, she studied with Lynne Meadow, Walter Dallas, and Nikos Psacharopoulos as a member of the first class of women at Yale. She co-founded OOBA West-Park Theatre in New York, which produced classics and new... Read more

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