Sorry, Media, Your “High-Tech Lynching” Won’t Destroy Ben Carson in

Sorry, Media, Your “High-Tech Lynching” Won’t Destroy Ben Carson in November 9, 2015

If you’ve been paying attention to the news lately, you might have seen nothing about Hillary’s lies regarding the IRS, her e-mail, or Benghazi, but you may have seen dozens of headlines about Ben Carson’s dubious acts.  David French writes:

Let’s begin with two propositions: There is a difference between an admirable man and a perfect man, and there is a difference between “vetting” and viciousness. The collective goal of the liberal media is now clear — to take one of America’s most admired and brilliant men and somehow transform him into a dishonest, stupid extremist. The vetting of Ben Carson has become vicious, and to what end? An admirable man has been exposed as imperfect.

First, there was the non-scandal that blamed Carson for being insufficiently sensitive to the victims of a shooting.  Since that didn’t stick, now:

Left-wing websites have great fun mocking Carson’s skepticism of the theory of evolution, his idle speculations regarding the purpose of the pyramids, and his thoughts on climate change and the debt limit. Yet this line of attack is fruitless. Carson may not be as fluent in public policy as the professional politicians who’ve been debating these issues for years, but his résumé is decisive evidence of his intelligence.

If he’s not extreme or stupid, is he dishonest? Is it possible that a man known for his rags-to-riches life story, his generosity, his humility, and his deep and lasting concern for the poor has a character problem? After all, in Carson’s famous autobiography, Gifted Hands, he said that he’d been offered a “full scholarship” to West Point.Politico says that Carson now admits that story was “fabricated.” Their proof? He never applied to West Point. But Carson didn’t say that he applied, only that he’d been offered a “full scholarship.” How can he “fabricate” a claim he never made?

Carson’s campaign manager says that Carson was introduced to “folks from West Point by his ROTC supervisors. . . . They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC.” What, exactly, is the story here? If it’s simply that he should have described military officials’ expressions of enthusiasm with more precision, then this is truly a tempest in a teapot.

Oh, and I’m sure you’ve already heard that Carson had the gall to hang a portrait of him and Jesus in his own home?  (Which caused some media outlets to compare him to Saddam Hussein.)

Here’s the bottom line:

A “high-tech lynching” is again underway, but if recent history is any guide, the Left’s attempt to strike down Carson will only make him stronger. The media can launch its attacks, but it cannot change the fundamental facts: Ben Carson is a good and decent man, an American hero.

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