Audio: Bill Clinton Privately Laughed at the Lewinsky Scandal, Mocked Paula Jones as an Attention-Seeking ‘Floozy’

Audio: Bill Clinton Privately Laughed at the Lewinsky Scandal, Mocked Paula Jones as an Attention-Seeking ‘Floozy’ January 6, 2016

In the era of “people need to take the word of women seriously when it comes to sex,” Hillary Clinton certainly talks the talk.

“I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault,” she said in a recent ad.  “Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have a right to be heard. You have a right to be believed. We’re with you.”

However, a new audio recording — taken at the time of some of Bill Clinton’s sexual scandals — suggests quite the opposite, with at least two of his victims.

1.  PAULA JONES: Bill Clinton allegedly asked Jones to perform an oral sex act on him in a hotel room in the nineties.  Here’s how the Washington Post described Jones, in their handy guide to “Bill Clinton’s Sexual Allegations:”

A former Arkansas state employee who alleged that in 1991 Clinton, while governor, propositioned her and exposed himself. She later filed a sexual harassment suit, and it was during a deposition in that suit that Clinton initially denied having sexual relations with Lewinsky. Clinton in 1998 settled the suit for $850,000, with no apology or admission of guilt. All but $200,000 was directed to pay legal fees.

Back when this happened, Clinton’s biographer talked to the President

Bill Clinton dismissed Paula Jones in the 1990s as a “floozy” and a “nobody” who was only suing him for sexual harassment in order to have her “moment in the sun,” according to an audio diary recorded at the time by one of his closest confidantes.

Clinton’s friend and biographer, Taylor Branch, took notes on a late-night conversation he had with the president on Oct. 2, 1997, and immediately recorded them into an audio diary. The recordings were recently obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

You can listen to them here, but I’ll give you some of the highlights:

— “[Clinton] said they had now changed Paula Jones’s hair style, made her look less like a floozy…”

— “[Clinton] said … these political lawyers are going to tell her that there’s not much likelihood that she would get any money out of this,” continued Branch. “That it’s just about [Jones] ‘being somebody’ because, if she settles the case, she goes back to being ‘nobody,’ and the trial is going to be her moment in the sun.”

If you remember this incident at the time, Clinton’s pals dismissed Jones as “trailer trash” looking for her fifteen minutes of fame.

2.  MONICA LEWINSKY: But here’s the kicker.  Remember when the nation’s children learned the phrase “oral sex” and learned all of the many things you can do with cigars, thanks to the President?  Remember how a young intern had her whole life marred by the high-profile scandal, to the point of contemplating suicide?

Apparently, Bill got a big kick out of it.  Here’s what happened when his biographer used the words “oral history:”

“I said ‘This is the 54th session of President Clinton’s oral history.’ As soon as I said ‘oral history,’ he started laughing,” recalled Branch in an April 6, 1998 recording. “And, um, it was kind of awkward. So I looked at him, and said the date, and so forth. And he was still kind of chuckling.”

“So I said, finally, ‘Well, I guess it’s awkward to say oral history,’ but then didn’t say anything else about it,” said Branch. “It was because of the whole Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. But I thought it was interesting that he laughed about it, right from the beginning.”

(If you’ve got the stomach, listen to the recording here.)  But the bottom line is this:  the Clintons can never ever use the phrase “war on women” without America thinking of the one they waged.


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