December 5, 2016

When it comes to the internet, it takes guts to worry more about our kids' hearts now than about their future reputations. Read more

November 21, 2016

This new community is for "like-minded free thinkers....and no one else" full of hybrid cars, used bookstores and "small farms with the rawest milk you've ever tasted." Read more

November 19, 2016

Well, the well-known pattern of Hamilton fans booing people with whom they disagree continued this week when Vice President-elect Mike Pence experienced a very chilly reception. Read more

November 18, 2016

He's said a lot of things, but this might be his most controversial? Read more

November 15, 2016

Heaven help us. Read more

November 15, 2016

He knew this would be no ordinary ride. Read more

November 12, 2016

On CNN, David French discusses President-elect Donald Trump's transition team in regards to experience, nepotism, and conflicts of interest. Read more

November 11, 2016

This is powerful. Read more

November 10, 2016

“As far as I am concerned, Colin Kaepernick is absolutely irrelevant,. I don’t want to see him again; I don’t want to hear from him again; I don’t wanna hear a damn word about anything he say to say about our nation." Read more

November 7, 2016

I've read several books this year, but here are the absolute best. Read more

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