A new Pope and a new Cardinal

A new Pope and a new Cardinal March 17, 2013

So  much has been happening with the new Holy Father.  I watched with tears in my eyes this morning as one by one  he greeted the parishioners attending his Mass this morning.  He greeted them as I greet my parishioners here.  With every new pope there comes changes.  The change is of the level of style, of emphasis.  Benedict taught us the value of the Liturgy, of beauty.  He was a teaching Pope.  Francis is teaching us how to be humble.  His homilies that we have witnessed have both been under 8 minutes each.  They were homilies that could have been given in any parish in the world.  He and Benedict are different.  They both however, preach the same truth – Jesus Christ.  We should avoid comparing the Popes so as to give a slight to either of them.  They are their own men.  Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to work through them!

From the “This is New” file:

With a Tip of the biretta to John Paul Sonnen, Pope Francis seems to have already named his first Cardinal.  This hasnt been confirmed yet.(UPDATED: Vatican Radio Has confirmed Pope Francis Gave Archbishop Baldisseri his Cardinals Zuchetto.  Read here if you read portugese and listen – if you speak italian)  But a long standing tradition is that upon his election, the new Holy Father would remove his red zuchetto and place it on the head of the Secretary of the College of Cardinals.  In the picture below we see the Secretary of the College of Cardinals, Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, 72 of Italy, formerly the Nuncio to Peru with a red Zuchetto on his head.  If this is true, the Archbishop will be publicly created a cardinal at the next Consistory.  

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