April 2, 2013

A perfect storm – Trying to come up with a homily for Holy Thursday evening and a post on why I am Catholic in less than 200 words.  Not until I sat down to prepare that homily did it all click.  It’s all because of Holy Thursday. I’m a Catholic first because God calls me to be.  I stay a Catholic because of the Eucharist, because of the priesthood. Jesus loves us so much that he gives to us His... Read more

March 17, 2013

So  much has been happening with the new Holy Father.  I watched with tears in my eyes this morning as one by one  he greeted the parishioners attending his Mass this morning.  He greeted them as I greet my parishioners here.  With every new pope there comes changes.  The change is of the level of style, of emphasis.  Benedict taught us the value of the Liturgy, of beauty.  He was a teaching Pope.  Francis is teaching us how to be... Read more

March 14, 2013

                                        Stunned.  Thats really the only way i can describe the last few hours.  As soon as I saw the White Smoke the Pastor and I ran – Literally RAN to the church and rang the bells.  They peeled for over an hour, until after Francis appeared.  There is just so much to absorb.  That it was THIS man, that he chose... Read more

March 1, 2013

In my last post I pointed out the helpful resources put out by the USCCB for use during the Interregnum (Sede Vacante).  In it they made clear what priests are supposed to say (or rather, not say) during the Eucharistic Prayers.  To make sure I didn’t slip into the old (already) habit of saying “Benedict our Pope” take a look at what I did this morning before Mass:   I did that for each of the Eucharistic prayers. Read more

February 19, 2013

I never thought I’d have a conclave during my first year of priesthood!  What’s a parish priest to do?!  I remember visiting a parish youth group retreat during the interregnum and conclave that elected Benedict.  The priest was wearing red vestments and praying to the Holy Spirit to assist the cardinals as they tried to fill the shoes of the only pope most of us had even known.  Ultimately I think they did.  Benedict has been an incredible Pope.  It’s... Read more

February 15, 2013

Social media strikes again.  Do something Old Fashioned this Friday it says.  Hashtag #OFF – Old Fashioned Friday.  The video suggests getting into a boat and rowing around in it.  What’s more old fashioned than a boat the video asks.  This short video put together by the makes of the DODOcase – an iPad case maker pointedly asks: “What will you rediscover?” That got me thinking about this holy Season that we’re embarking on. Each Lent we are called to enter... Read more

February 11, 2013

Recognizing his own human frailty, the Holy Father has, of his own accord, decided to resign the Papacy as of 7pm February 28th.  His statement follows: Dear Brothers, I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age,... Read more

January 15, 2013

This week is National Vocations Awareness Week and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Office of Media Relations will be posting guest blogs by a young priest (ME!!) or religious January 15-19 at http://usccbmedia.blogspot.com. I was very happy to have been asked by the USCCB to write a little piece for this.  Things have been hectic here at the parish and I haven’t been able to update much here at the blog.  Such is the life of a newly ordained.  It’s wonderful.... Read more

December 8, 2012

Today’s Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is one that I have particular fondness for.  not only is our country dedicated to her protection, but so to was the seminary where I received most of my formation.  Because of that, it was the tradition of our seminary to ordained its transitional deacons on that day. And so it was that a year ago today I was ordained to the transitional diaconate by Bishop DiMarzio, of the Diocese of Brooklyn.  Of course,... Read more

December 4, 2012

The Internet is a remarkable place.  Going through Facebook this evening I came across a video that I found quite moving.  The video looks to assist people in their job discernment.  The narrator asks us to ponder what we would like to do with our lives if “money were no object?”  What I found most striking about the video is the last line.  “…It’s so important to consider this question… what do I desire?” That line is important for all... Read more

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