Our Virtual Book Club

Our Virtual Book Club December 15, 2009

Elizabeth (from That Married Couple) and I have recently completed a virtual book club, reading The Authentic Catholic Woman. Look for a guest post on the book from her sometime soon!.

We had two chats about the book; it was so exciting to actually talk with someone I feel that I know so much about. In fact, Elizabeth and I discussed the possibility of having another virtual book club, and opening it up to any of you other wonderful ladies who might be interested in participating in a book club.

So, I’ll post the books we’re thinking of reading, and if you’re interested in being part of the “club” post a comment saying so, and tell me which book you’d most like to read.

1. Feminism Is Not the Story of My Life by Elizabeth Fox-Genovese.

2. Mommy Wars edited by Leslie Morgan Steiner.

3. The Case for Marriage: Why Married People Are Happier, Healthier, and Better Off Financially by Linda Waite and Maggie Gallagher.

If you’ve ever thought, “Gosh, it sure would be fun to participate in a marriage/family/authentic feminism book club with blog friends you’ve never met, consider yourself invited! 🙂

Let me know if you’re in, and we can start to figure out when to start another virtual book club!

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