More Freedom! Less Information!

More Freedom! Less Information! June 16, 2010

That’s the mantra of every effective and productive movement in human history, right? Seems like Danielle Bean is on to something over at National Catholic Register regarding the recently vetoed Florida law that would require any pregnant woman to have an ultrasound before deciding to have an abortion.

It seems many pro-choice people are nervous about women having ultrasounds before abortions. Is it because they in any way threaten the health of the woman having one? Nope.

Mary Elizabeth Williams, a pro-choice activist, basically admitted that what scares the dickens out of pro-choicers on this ultrasound thing is one pesky thing: the truth. In other words, what (or perhaps more appropriately who) a woman sees (and hears) when she has an ultrasound; namely the lively, thunderous beat of that little heart.

“The fight over ultrasounds starkly shows exactly what anti-choice forces have glommed onto, and what unnerves some of us on the other side so deeply: that having a choice and seeing that choice are two different things. Because, uncomfortable as it may be for many of us to acknowledge, a human heartbeat is a powerful thing.” – Mary Elizabeth Williams (via Danielle Bean)

I can see why its so threatening.   (3-D ultrasound of a 12 week old fetus)

It’s a great short read — head over to NCR for the whole thing.

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