7 Quick Takes Friday

7 Quick Takes Friday August 6, 2010

head over to Conversion Diary for more quick takes!

** 1 ** I’m delighted that Rebecca asked me to do a guest post in her “can of worms” series on Catholicism and Politics. I was a little hesitant to write it at first because I *hate* politics, but, it was good for me to do the research and thinking to get it written down.

The comments over there have been good and, for the most part, very productive. I’m so glad I participated! Anyway, you should check out the whole series, but of course, start with my post! 😉

No, seriously, in case you’ve ever been curious as to my political leanings, now’s your chance to read about it.

Also, each of the other posts have at least ten comments. So far, mine has two. wah-wah. So, at the risk of sounding like I’m making a shame-faced request for people to go over there and leave a comment…I’m asking you all to go over there and leave a comment. :/

** 2 **

It’s Worldwide Breastfeeding Week! Hooray! In honor of this week, the company “Udder Covers” is giving away free breastfeeding covers. (PS. I’m not sure how I feel about the name of the company, but I’ll take a free $35 cover-up!).

You pick the one you like, and during checkout, type “breastfeeding”into the promo box, and all you have to pay is the $10 shipping! Sweet huh?

Many thanks to Elizabeth for posting the link and info!

** 3 **

I’m letting my hick flag fly here, but…. IT”S STATE FAIR TIME!!!

I love, love the Indiana State Fair! This years theme is: Year of the Pigs. Pigs!

Also, the food. Anyone who has been to a state fair knows, the food. Being preggo and therefore *hungry*, I have decided to make a list of what I want to eat when we go, so I don’t miss anything.

roasted corn on the cob

pulled pork BBQ sandwhich

ice cream

elephant ear (this will undoubtedly be shared with Atticus, who also loves the elephant ear).

I love seeing all the animals, the 4-H projects, and people watching all the hicks wearing confederate flag t-shirts and eating deep-fried twinkies. It doesn’t get much better that that folks!

Do you have a local fair? Do you attend? What’s your favorite fair food?

** 4 **

This past Tuesday was our street’s block party! It was a lot of fun!

We got to eat some delicious food, and hang out with our neighbors. We also got to meet some of the other young families on our block, which was really exciting!

There is a couple two houses down from us who has a three month old son, and they are Catholic! There is another couple on our block who is expecting their first child (another boy!) in September. AND, a woman on the other end of the street is expecting her third at the end of January!

It’ll be nice to have some families on our block that will have babies close in age to ours, and maybe even get to do some play groups, or something fun like that!

** 5 **

The other day when we went to the Catholic book store to get some baby books, I also picked up a copy of the Magnificat monthly book. I used it quite frequently in Chicago, to read Mass readings or other reflections while on the bus or train. It’s such a handy little book!

I’ve enjoyed having it this week; I’ve been so very lazy in my prayer life the last month or so. It’s so funny. Before I got pregnant I thought, “Oh my prayer life is just going to be so fruitful if I ever get pregnant again. I mean, God will have answered my prayers, so I’ll want to pray all the time!”.

But you know, it hasn’t been that way, at least not as much as I thought. Of course, I am so thankful for the blessing of our little girl’s life, and God has certainly answered my prayer. I think it’s that way with anything, when we say, “Oh, when THIS happens, then my prayer life will take off.” or “When I _______ (fill in blank here), then I’ll have time to make a deeper connection with God.” Oh, the human condition.

Anyhow, having the Magnificat by my bed in the morning, in my bag throughout the day this week has led to me having more short prayer times (around 15 minutes or so) throughout the day than I was before. I’m very grateful for that, and I think I’m going to get a subscription to it for Atticus and I to share.

** 6 **

In a little less than a month, Notre Dame football season starts!! I’m so excited! We actually got tickets for the season opener (against Purdue, which is the one game we always try to get to) and so we’re going to go up over Labor Day weekend for the tail-gating and the game on Saturday, and then Mass and hopefully a nice long walk on Sunday!

Atticus was still in law school there when we met, and that’s where he became Catholic,  so it always has a lot of great memories for us to go back. Not to mention it’s an amazingly beautiful campus!

Also, I could not resist buying this when I saw it on clearance at TJ Maxx the other day:

I know she won’t be able to wear it until *next* season, but come on folks, it’s just too darn cute! Now we just need to get her a little Colts one, and she’ll be all set. 😉

** 7 **

Thats all folks! I hope you have a blessed, happy weekend!

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