7 Quick Takes Friday!

7 Quick Takes Friday! August 13, 2010

Today Quick Takes are hosted by Betty Beguiles, where you can see so many more QT’s!

*** 1 ***

Yesterday was the official half-way point of my pregnancy! I am 19.5 weeks, which is half-way for me, since I’ll deliver at 39 weeks. I’m excited. I’m awed. I’m having a hard time believing that someone who started out as two cells on April 13th, is now the size of a banana and kicking me regularly. What’s even more awe-inspiring is that even though she weighs about 8 oz. right now, in another 19.5 weeks, she’ll probably weigh 8 (or more!) pounds. Completely amazing. What a gift.

*** 2  ***

Today was my last day of working at the Library. I’m somewhat sad, but more because I liked the people I worked with, than because I’ll really miss schlepping books for several hours per day. Though I suppose, without the 50+ lb. carts to push and load/unload, I’ll have to find a new way of getting some exercise. Maybe I’ll look into a prenatal yoga class or something like that. Yeah, that sounds plausible. 😉

But since I am no longer a part of the work force, I have some plans.

– Blog more than once a week!

– NOT to sleep in, but to get up when Atticus does and to have a *somewhat* scheduled day. It seems that lately I have the most energy for doing housework or projects in the morning/early afternoon, then feel more like resting/reading/blogging in the afternoon. I’ll try to stick with that.

– I am currently on Fall 2008 in my scrapbooking. Yes, I am two years behind. Oops. I want to get my scrapbooking pages from fall 2008 through now done before the baby comes, so then, in another two years, maybe I’ll get to do some more!

– The baby’s room. This will probably be its own post sometime soon, but I have some ideas in mind for making the yellow former office into a little girl’s nursery. We also got a great changing table/dresser on Craigs List for cheap! It’s our goal to buy all the nursery furniture, except the crib, second-hand. we will succeed!

– Crochet: I have a book of baby blanket patterns. I learned to make hats this week! Tonight we are going to Michael’s for baby yarn. I *will* make one blanket and at least three hats for the little lady, and perhaps some gifts for other preggo ladies I know!

*** 3 ***

Atticus and I have been invited to a Baptism! A couple we know from church (and other set of couple friends) has invited us to their daughter’s Baptism. I’m so excited! Neither Atticus, being a convert, nor I, being the first of my IRL friends to have a baby, have ever been to an infant Baptism! It’s going to be great.

I have to ask for those of you with children, what kind of gift is appropriate/good/thoughtful for a Baptism?

*** 4 ***

I read a great article this week on National Catholic Register. Jimmy Akin writes what is a very straight-foward post about the Church’s very clear teaching that it’s not ok to kill innocent people, ever. For any reason. No matter what.

“Because the direct and voluntary killing of an innocent human being is intrinsically evil, it is never morally legitimate to target innocent civilians, even in wartime. It does not matter what authority (civilian or military) has recommended or ordered the action—even if he be the American president or the master of the world. It does not matter whether innocent people on your side will die as a result. They are absolutely equal to the innocent on the other side and cannot be preferred.

Furthermore, to threaten to do something intrinsically evil is itself intrinsically evil, and to threaten—by words or deeds—to target civilians is intrinsically evil and cannot be done under any circumstances. You cannot hold innocents as hostages to another goal, however noble or lofty it may be.

These are exactly the same principles that underlie the intrinsic immorality of abortion, euthanasia, and other forms of murder. One cannot justify them, no matter the circumstances or the intention.” Read the whole thing here….

What’s really amazing about this, is that there are people trying to argue with him, and to justify the targeting and killing of innocents (non-combatants) during war. I’m not entirely sure how that happens, other than perhaps the sad tendencies of human nature, being what it is.

I mean, I’m sorry (actually I’m not), but if it’s o.k. to kill innocent people in a war, and that doesn’t violate the moral law, then how can we ever claim that it’s not o.k. to kill innocent children in the womb? Innocent is innocent whether they’re in the womb, or in Iraq.

*** 5 ***

I’m just putting this out here. I’ll probably (hopefully) do a whole post on it at some point, but I am *terrified* of giving birth. The realization that the child which is growing inside me (at what will soon begin to be a rapid pace) is going to at some point have to come out is enough to make me break out into a cold sweat.

It’s not that I don’t want to have a baby, or be a mom, at all. I have a very low tolerance for pain of any kind, and the thought of labor makes me itchy. In fact, I’m so terrified I’m considering asking for a c-section so I don’t have to deal with the pain and potential side effects (epistiotomy, hemorrhoids, etc.)I know I’m probably messed up, but the thought of having surgery is less frightening to me than the thought of pushing this child out.

I think part of my fear is knowing that I have limited options for birth because of my health, and thinking, “wouldn’t it just be easier to have a c-section, since that may end up happening anyway?”

Is anyone else scared of birth?

*** 6 ***

Tomorrow is the feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe. He was a Polish Franciscan who founded the Militia of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. He was very devoted to Mary his whole life, and traveled to Japan with some members of his order to begin a Marian apostolate there. Upon his return to Poland, he was arrested by the Nazis in 1939.

He is called the “Saint of Auschwitz” because he spent nearly two years there before he was killed. He offered his life in exchange for another prisoner, who was father of a large family.

EWTN has a good short article about his life, and in particular, his Marian spirituality.

*** 7 ***

The lovely Michelle gave me an award! So in the spirit of sharing, I’ll be passing on the High Hopes Award, for blogs that always leave me feeling uplifted!

Caitlin at More like Mary, More like Me

Rae at No Wealth But Life

Thanks again Michelle!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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