7 Quick Takes Friday

7 Quick Takes Friday March 4, 2011

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday

While quick takes are usually hosted at Conversion Diary, today’s takes are being sponsored by the lovely Betty Beguiles!

*** 1 ***

Maggie is being baptized this weekend! I’m so excited for it. It’s just such a beautiful event; I mean, what’s more wonderful than seeing a new Christian being initiated into the faith?

Also, there’s going to be a party, with cake. AND, I get to hang out with one of my best girls, Elizabeth. She and her wonderful husband are going to be Maggie’s godparents.

*** 2 ***

Maggie got a really sweet gift from my best bud since forever, Mary. It’s a little, tiny, one decade rosary. It’s seriously one of the most adorable things ever. I’m planning to put it on Maggie’s wrist for her baptism, so hopefully I can get a good picture of it to share.

*** 3 ***

Maggie had her two month appointment today, and her first round of shots. Let’s just say, she handled it way better than I did. She literally only cried for about 45 seconds. That’s my girl.

*** 4 ***

I just wanted to thank all of you who left supportive comments on my post from yesterday. I really appreciate it. 🙂

*** 5 ***

I can’t believe it’s Lent next week already! Atticus and I decided to do a family sacrifice, so we are giving up ice cream. We both ate a small dish basically every night while I was pregnant, and we’ve continued eating it a few nights a week since Maggie’s birth. It’s not the healthiest, and we both love it, so it seemed like a great idea for a Lenten sacrifice.

I am generally (read, every single Lent) a failure at sticking to my sacrifice, but I am DETERMINED this year to do it!

*** 6 ***

What have you all been reading lately?? I don’t really need any new books for right now, but I’d love to hear about what you all have been reading.

*** 7 ***

Is it ok to wear a black dress to a baptism? I know you’re supposed to wear white (are you?), but I don’t really have much that doesn’t look like a pup tent on me, so I think I may have to wear something black. What do you think?

Well, that’s all. Have a great weekend friends!

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