7 Quick Takes Friday

7 Quick Takes Friday September 14, 2012


Oh my goodness! I am so stinking excited because tomorrow I’m going to the South Bend-Fort Wayne Diocese Women’s Conference and the featured speakers are Scott and Kimberly Hahn.

I’ve never heard Kimberly speak, but I could listen to Dr. Hahn talk all day; he for sure has a radio voice.


Possibly even more exciting is that Leanne from Life Happens When is going to be coming up and meeting me in Indy; then we’ll drive to the conference with a good friend of mine from here.

Leanne and I are going to have a girls night on the town on Friday….but before you are overcome with jealousy….it won’t be too late since we have to leave my house at 5:45 a.m. to meet my other friend and drive to South Bend for the conference which starts at 9. Yikes.

I’m going to need an IV drip of caffeine.


Maggie started pre-school this week. Hold on, hold on. Before you accuse me of trying to get my kid into “Baby Yale”, let me tell you about her preschool.

It’s twice a week for two hours and they (1) play with toys, (2) go to the playground, and (3) study things like circles, apples, and colors.

It’s really like a glorified play-group.

It’s also the reason I am sitting here writing right now. There is a conviently located Starbucks across the street from the pre-school. What could be more perfect than that?


It’s sort of funny. The preschool is run at a Medthodist church, but both of Maggie’s teachers are Catholic, and the woman who I found about the preschool from is part of my Catholic women’s book club (she is also a teacher at the school). I thought that was pretty cool.


I don’t know who cried more when I dropped her off, me or her.

She is most assuredly not a baby anymore.

Sometimes I miss having a baby. Ok, a lot of times. Then on days like today, when I am sitting along, drinking coffee, doing uninterrupted thinking and writing, I think to myself, “Take your time God; This is ok”.

Know what I mean?


It’s funny when people meet us, they usually say if they think Maggie looks like me or Eric. I never know what I’m going to hear!

So, I thought it would be fun to put it to a vote on the blog.

Here’s Maggie:

Now here’s Atticus at about the same age:

And here’s one of me:

What do you think?? Keep in mind, if you don’t say me, you’ll be banished forever. Just saying.


Since pre-school is nearly over, I’ll just say:

Have a great weekend! Go see Jen for more quick takes.

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