Do we need a Protestant on the Supreme Court?

Do we need a Protestant on the Supreme Court? March 9, 2010

John Paul Stevens is the only Supreme Court Justice who is a Protestant.  He will soon turn 90.   There are six Catholics, some liberal and some conservative, and two Jews.   And yet 51% of Americans are Protestant.  Lately, there has been an effort to diversify the court, so that now women, African-Americans, and Latinos are represented.  Once Justice Stevens dies or resigns, should he be replaced with a token Protestant?

High Court: Does religion still matter? –

UPDATE: Daniel Gorman in his comment gives the right answer. And yet, isn’t it strange that Protestants, despite constituting a majority of the population, are so under-represented in those halls of learning and power. Used to, the W.A.S.P.’s (white anglo-saxon Protestants) constituted the power elite in this country. I don’t think they do anymore. Why do you think that is?

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