Packers rule!

Packers rule! February 7, 2011

It wasn’t pretty, but it sure was exciting.  The Packers won the Super Bowl, beating the Steelrs 31-25.

That means Rich Shipe won our contest with an amazing prediction of 31-24.  (Who could have guessed that the Steelers would go for two?)  He has a great future in Vegas, if the church he is pastoring will give him a leave of absence.  (Rich, how did you get so close?  What was your reasoning?)

So Rich wins 15 minutes of fame.  Think about him today for 15 minutes.  No more than that!

Dennis Peskey was close too, 38-24, but I think Cindy R. would come in second with her guess of 27-24.  (Cindy Ramos is always winning or coming close in my prediction contests!  She’s a former student, so I must have taught her well.  You other former students must not have paid attention.)

Use this space for post-game analysis, commercial critiques, and half-time show complaints.

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