Prayer request(s)

Prayer request(s) February 18, 2013

Buried as comment #381 in a recent post is an urgent prayer request from long-time reader and commenter Frank Sonnek (a.k.a., “fws”; a.k.a., “the gay confessional Lutheran”).  I don’t know what it’s all about, and we don’t need to know.  But, as a virtual community at this blog, let’s pray for Frank.  And perhaps some of you have other needs, crises, and other kinds of prayer requests. Let’s pray for those too.

Frank writes:

To All:

I am going through one of the most challenging times of my life.

I am being made to work through some personal issues that I have , apparently , either refused to deal with before or wasn´t ready to deal with before.

Apparently God thinks I am ready now.

It´s been … um… interesting.

I need your prayers. as in really , really need them.

Pray for me for constancy and faithfulness in my vocations regardless of how I feel at any moment.

Pray for me that I remain focused on the needs of others rather than my own,

and at the same time that I do what is necessary to be a faithful steward of what God has given me as to my own health and financial wellbeing.

And pray that I seek out God´s Word and prayer. That most of all,

That I cling to those two words “for YOU!” that is about hiding all my own Works inside the Works of Another so that I can get some rest from my conscience which is constantly accusing me.

Thank you!

via Lutheran pastor rejects Baptism, Lord’s Supper.

If you have something that you’d like us Cranachers to pray for, please say so in the comments.

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