You Are Invited to Our Church Services

You Are Invited to Our Church Services March 21, 2020

I would like to invite you to our church; that is, to our online service.  If your congregation has had to cancel worship services because of the coronavirus and isn’t able to offer an alternative, you are welcome to join us.

Pastor Moerbe (our son-in-law) and Cantor Schelp have collaborated on setting up a YouTube channel that will feature special online services.  True, the sanctuary will be pretty much empty.  But both celebrants are really good chanters, and you will hear  outstanding sermons.

Those of you who aren’t Lutherans might be interested in sampling what Lutheran liturgical worship is like.  They won’t be doing the full Divine Service on Sunday, since, of course, Holy Communion will not be offered.  Rather, Sunday will be Matins, the traditional morning office, which is very beautiful musically and in its meaning.

They will also post Wednesday Lenten services, following the order of Vespers, the evening office, which I think is even more beautiful.

The plan is to keep recording and posting services throughout the time of the coronavirus.

The Sunday service should be up by 11:00 a.m., around the time of normal Sunday worship.  Right now the Vespers service is up, which I will embed here:


UDDATE:  To access the channel for all of our services, go here.  (Click “Subscribe” to find these easier next week.)

There you will find the Sunday service and a special service of prayer, employing hymns and the Litany.

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