Oklahoma gets Bob Dylan archives

Oklahoma gets Bob Dylan archives March 3, 2016

Bob Dylan’s archives will be housed in Tulsa, Oklahoma, near the Woody Guthrie museum.  An Oklahoma foundation that was also involved in building the Guthrie museum put up $15-20 million to buy the treasure trove of manuscripts, recordings, and memorabilia.

I moved back here and now Oklahoma has become a happening place.  I can’t, however, find a connection.

From Bob Dylan archives land in Oklahoma, near Guthrie museum, USA Today:

More than 6,000 items of Bob Dylan memorabilia such as handwritten lyrics toTangled Up In Blue and his first contract with a music publisher have found a home in Oklahoma near a museum honoring one of his major influences, folk singer Woody Guthrie.

The archives from Dylan’s six-decade career, acquired by the George Kaiser Family Foundation and the University of Tulsa for between $15 million and $20 million, also include early recordings from 1959 and a wallet that contains Johnny Cash’s former address and phone number.

Dylan, who’s originally from Minnesota, said he’s glad the archives found a home and the Tulsa location makes a lot of sense, “to be included with the works of Woody Guthrie and especially alongside all the valuable artifacts from the Native American Nations.”

“It’s a great honor,” Dylan said in a statement.

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