April 3, 2014

Classical education does quite a bit with aesthetics and encourages deep reflection on works of art.  Thanks to James Banks for alerting me to a new website entitled FilmFisher.  It features movie reviews by classical educators and their students, as mentored by the classical educators. 

April 3, 2014

The Supreme Court struck down the limits to the number of candidates a person is allowed to give money to and the total amount you are allowed to give.   Left standing is the limit a person can give to one candidate–$48,600–but the law had limited

April 2, 2014

Our increasingly weird science now affirms that there is a reality that we cannot see, feel, or perceive in any way.  And yet it makes up 85% of the universe, which it basically holds together.  What does that remind you of? Please note that I

April 2, 2014

Taxing the wealthy isn’t enough, some are saying.  Let’s tax people who had wealthy parents.  Since children of affluent parents have all kinds of advantages when it comes to educational accomplishments and social mobility, so, the reasoning goes, when they grow up, it’s only fair

April 2, 2014

Prime minister Angela Merkel, Germany’s Iron Lady, is leading efforts to stand up against Russia’s incursion against the Ukraine.  But she is doing so against the tide of public opinion in her country.  Many Germans are sympathetic to  Russia out of resentment for America’s eavesdropping

April 2, 2014

Thirty-three people have been arrested and face the death penalty in North Korea for helping a missionary in his efforts to set up a network of 500 underground churches. (more…)

April 1, 2014

The hard-core left just does not believe in the concept of individual freedom, as is evident wherever that ideology has had its way (in the former Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, Cuba, etc., etc.).  So it shouldn’t be surprising that the

April 1, 2014

This is April Fool’s Day.  We don’t do pranks with phony posts here at the Cranach blog.  But we are willing to serve as a clearing house for reports of pranks.  If you come across any on the internet or elsewhere, please tell us about

April 1, 2014

Yesterday was Opening Day of the baseball season.  That means it is time for more sports predictions!  What teams do you think will play in the World Series, and which one will win it?

April 1, 2014

If you don’t have health insurance and didn’t sign up for Obamacare, you are in violation of the Affordable Health Care Act!  The administration has been saying that so many people signing up is evidence that people support it.  But it’s the law!  People are

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