January 28, 2014

J. Gresham Machen was one of the 20th century’s leading Reformed theologians, a Princeton faculty member who battled the rise of liberal theology.  Rod Rosenbladt sent me a copy of an article that Dr. Machen wrote on the “Ordination Pledge” in which he discusses his

January 28, 2014

Pornography involves watching somebody else have sex.  In South Korea, there is a new fad of watching somebody else eat.  It’s being called “gastronomical voyeurism.” The news story, excerpted after the jump, speculates on some reasons:  More and more Koreans are living by themselves and

January 28, 2014

A Texas court ordered that life-support be removed from a woman who was considered brain-dead, in accord with her husband’s wishes.  The hospital, though, had been keeping her body going because she was pregnant. So now both the mother and her child are dead. The

January 28, 2014

Tonight at 9:00 p.m. ET will be the President’s State of the Union Address.  I invite you to live blog it here via the comments.  (What you do is have your computer ready as you watch and listen to the speech.  Make comments as the

January 27, 2014

We may have solved, with the help of James R. Rogers, our perennial question of why evangelicals tend to be more likely to embrace Calvinism than Lutheranism.  But our other perennial question is why evangelicals, when they want something different–particularly, sacraments and liturgy–go the way

January 27, 2014

If there should ever be a monument to the Second Amendment, it should be erected in Northfield, Minnesota. In this little college town in 1876, Jesse James and Cole Younger, with six other members of their gang, tried to rob the First National Bank, only

January 24, 2014

James R. Rogers (a Lutheran) advances our perennial topic of why evangelicals tend to prefer Calvinism to Lutheranism in a post for First Things.  He begins with some practical issues–the difficulty of “finding” Lutheranism, the relative inaccessibility of Lutheran confessional documents (the Augsburg Confession being

January 24, 2014

Collin Garbarino tells of a controversy in archaeology about whether or not the ancient Carthaginians practiced child sacrifice, as the Romans always said they did.  Recently, evidence has arisen that they did, in fact, sacrifice children.  Some archaeologists, though, just won’t believe it. Mr. Garbarino

January 24, 2014

We now have metrics that allow us to determine the most corrupt states in the union, based on the number of public officials that have been convicted of corruption in office.  Can you guess which ones are in the top 10?  Where do you think

January 24, 2014

An independent review board has said that the NSA surveillance system is illegal.  But the White House says essentially that it doesn’t care.  The courts are going to have to weigh in. (more…)

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