August 17, 2017

Contemporary Christianity is so saccharine it's cloying. Read more

August 11, 2017

In many ways my life is a rags-to-riches story. I was thinking about this recently because I was working on the bio for my author website. The opening line of the bio there reads: C. R. Wiley’s childhood was like something out of a story by Roald Dahl. It was full of vacancies, like AWOL parents and school truancy. He was a ward of the state for a time. (Imagine living at the DMV and you have a sense of... Read more

August 3, 2017

It’s propaganda, but there is more Elmer Gantry than Goebbels to it. Rev. Gore has delivered an End Times sermon, complete with charts and an altar call. (My review of An Inconvenient Sequel originally published at Scenes Media and partially reproduced here by permission.) — I’m not a climate scientist, and I don’t play one on television. Even so, I was invited to a private screening of Al Gore’s new documentary, An Inconvenient Sequel. I’m sorry to say I don’t feel any... Read more

August 1, 2017

I was interviewed by my old friend John Zmirak for The Eric Metaxas Show. John and I discuss my book, Man of the House. The conversation is fairly free-ranging. But I think you get the gist of what the book is about. Here’s the link to the interview on Sound Cloud: — If you’d like to know more about my latest book before shelling out your hard-earned money for it, Wipf and Stock, the publisher of my book, Man of the House,... Read more

July 27, 2017

This has been a remarkably busy summer for me personally. Lot’s of milestones for the kids, and on top of my other responsibilities, I’ve not been able to post as frequently at Patheos as I would like to. But amid the busyness, I’ve been receiving requests to appear in different venues. If you’re interested in tuning in to hear me interviewed about my latest book, Man of the House–or you would actually like to attend an event where I will... Read more

July 16, 2017

Misogyny appears to have come to mean "treating women as though they are women". Read more

July 14, 2017

You may not like my advice. But if you have better advice, there are a lot of women out there with eggs in a freezer who'd like to hear it. Read more

July 7, 2017

People that hate the traditional family–you know, the natural family, the one instituted through the union of a man and a woman–these people love to quote Luke 14:26– If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. (ESV) These folks also tend favor another passage. This one: While he was yet speaking to the multitudes, behold,... Read more

July 5, 2017

There is a deep and unalterable connection between this world and the next. And that connection is reflected in the marriage of a man and a woman. Read more

June 28, 2017

The covenant with Abraham wasn't just a covenant with Abraham, it included all of his heirs. Read more

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