WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing Savitha, a widow, miserable, gripped by poverty, a roof full of holes, and God’s example of love and care through Gospel for Asia (GFA) tin sheets.
Savitha leaned back against the wall, trying to avoid the puddle of water in the room and ignore the heavy wind outside. It battered her small home, and rain steadily fell inside.
Drip, drip, drip . . .
The wind from the storm continued to rustle the thatched roof and threatened to take what little remained of it. Savitha moved closer to the wall. The memories of her husband’s time in the hospital flashed before her with each plunk of water. If only she did not have to live in this misery any longer.
Struggles Come
Just 10 years ago, life was not so difficult. Savitha’s husband labored vigorously on their farmland and provided for their needs well.
Then Savitha’s husband complained of intense stomach pains. Their daily routine was shaken as she had to take him to several hospitals. He couldn’t eat any food, and he could no longer work. They sold their land to pay for the bills, but it was not sufficient for additional hospital visits; they needed a loan. Finally the diagnosis came: Her husband had a tumor. Nothing could be done.
She remained with her husband in the hospital.
Her husband’s life had faded away.
And loneliness gushed into Savitha’s heart.
Left to a Broken Home
Savitha returned to an empty house, and began working hard in nearby sugar cane fields to meet her needs. One day, only to add to her despair, a storm came through her village and pulled apart her roof. It left gaping holes leaving her exposed to the elements. Her struggles mounted as a minor cooking fire ruined another portion of her thatched roof. Unable even to purchase a daily meal, she lacked the ability to repair it.
Savitha was desperate for help.
“Consider my condition and deliver me from poverty,” she had cried out to her gods.
No help came.
Greetings of Love
Every raindrop that fell inside her home reminded Savitha of what she had lost and lacked.
Drip, drip, drip . . .
Days later, as she lay outside her home, a man came up to her and offered her a small booklet. Savitha glanced at the front page but was unable to understand what it said.
Savitha questioned what it was about. The young man, Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Mohan, shared with her the information the booklet contained. He expressed the true love of God and invited her to church.
Widow Realizes God Cares
Whenever Savitha attended Pastor Mohan’s worship service, she listened intently to the Good News. She considered the reality of Jesus’ love and what He did for her on the cross. Peace began to flood into her life, and she soon made the decision to walk with Christ all her days.
She began praying, and she asked God to provide for her needs.
Then some wonderful news came! Just as God gave His Son to the world to bring shelter to the broken, she would be receiving five tin sheets for her broken roof.
“I could not believe my ears when I heard that news from the pastor,” Savitha said.
In peace, Savitha sits back down in her home against the wall. Drip, drip, drip . . . The rain falls off her roof—onto the ground outside. Now the sound of rain brings a sweet reminder of how God changed her life.
Savitha is one of the thousands who have been touched by desperately needed gifts, like tin sheets. Today, thousands more struggle, and you have the opportunity to reach out to them by giving through Gospel for Asia’s Christmas Gift Catalog.
Give Through the Christmas Gift Catalog
*Names of people and places may have been changed for privacy and security reasons. Images are Gospel for Asia stock photos used for representation purposes and are not the actual person/location, unless otherwise noted.
Source: Gospel for Asia Featured Article, Sheltered by God’s Love
Learn more about how generosity can change lives. Gifts like pigs, bicycles and sewing machines break the cycle of poverty and show Christ’s love to impoverished families in Asia. One gift can have a far-reaching impact, touching families and rippling out to transform entire communities.
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