Diagnosis: Four Days to Live; Gospel For Asia Prescribes Prayer

Diagnosis: Four Days to Live; Gospel For Asia Prescribes Prayer April 16, 2020

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. YohannanDiscussing a Gospel For Asia supported church that started out as a house gathering, and the simple church building through which many found hope & life in Jesus.

Vaijayi was supposed to be dead. His doctor had given him only four days to live. That was on Tuesday, and today was Sunday—five days later. As Vaijayi walked through the doors of the church, there was hope that he might live.

Gospel for Asia founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan: Discussing a Gospel For Asia supported church that started out as a house gathering, and the simple church building through which many found hope & life in Jesus.
This house of worship has blessed the congregation that sings praises inside, much like a similar place blessed Pastor Tapan’s fellowship.

Worshiping in a Small House

When Gospel for Asia-supported pastor Tapan and his family moved into Vaijayi’s village several years earlier, most people were unresponsive to Tapan’s message about Christ’s love. Some mocked the pastor’s small congregation when they saw people gathering in Tapan’s tiny, one-room house for worship.

“These people go to church, but where is their church?” skeptics sneered. “This is not good, to live in the same house and pray in it.”

Many fellowships in Asia worship together in small homes, huts or even the outdoors, simply because they don’t have the ability to construct a church building. Those who are unable to fit inside are exposed to the hot sun or pouring rain. Many are ridiculed by their neighbors, who see it as a disgrace to worship in such a manner.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan
This congregation is crowded together in a pastor’s home for worship.

Others in Vaijayi’s village directly opposed the believers by trying to put a stop to the worship services, even beating Pastor Tapan and people within the fellowship. But with the Lord’s help, the congregation stood firm in their faith and were able to overcome their struggles.

Still, Pastor Tapan knew his tiny home wasn’t sufficient. He and the believers asked the Lord to provide a place of worship that could accommodate the people—a prayer they would continue in for nearly five years.

Five Years of Prayer

Finding a plot of land proved to be difficult, however. Yet Pastor Tapan’s congregation kept praying, setting aside special times to fast and seek the Lord. The believers were eventually able to buy land and begin construction after nearly five years of consistent prayer.

Gospel for Asia founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan
While Pastor Tapan’s congregation was able to meet in his home until a place of worship was established in his village, other congregations meet outside for worship, like the one shown here did, because none of the village homes are large enough to house the believers.

Almost a year later, the construction was finally completed. Now, instead of ridiculing the believers, curious villagers came to look at the new structure, which gave Pastor Tapan the opportunity to share the love of Christ with them. Many are intrigued to learn about the God believers worship when services are held in a structure made for worship instead of a tiny home.

The people noticed the love of God in Pastor Tapan’s life, and many of them returned a second time to talk with him and ask for prayer. Tapan happily agreed to pray for the people’s needs, and when the Lord answered his prayers, many started to attend services held at the church. One of these people was Vaijayi.

Four Days to Live

Gospel for Asia founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan: Like Vaijayi, this sick man was blessed and comforted by a Gospel for Asia-supported pastor.
Like Vaijayi, this sick man was blessed and comforted by a Gospel for Asia-supported pastor.

Vaijayi had throat cancer. He tried offering sacrifices to the goddess he worshiped to find healing, but he received no answer from her. Then Vaijayi tried to buy relief, at great expense to himself, from an old man who practiced black magic. Instead, his condition worsened, and soon he was unable to eat. Finally, he had someone take him to a hospital.

“He will not live for more than four days,” the doctor stated. “You can take him back home.”

Vaijayi fell into deep depression. The doctor’s words tumbled over and over again in his mind; he thought of nothing else. His whole family, too, suffered in agony.

Two days had come and gone when a believer from Pastor Tapan’s church came to Vaijayi with good news. She told him about the new house of worship, saying, “In my church, I have seen many people receive healing through prayer. If you are willing, you can also come for prayer.”

“I have only two more days left until my death anyway,” Vaijayi told her in desperation. “Take me to your church for prayer.”

Gospel for Asia founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan: These men are part of a congregation that meets together regularly for prayer and worship.
These men are part of a congregation that meets together regularly for prayer and worship.

Prayers Result in Successful Operation

The next day, Vaijayi and his family set out for the new place of worship. Once there, Pastor Tapan told them about Christ’s healing power and prayed for the sick man. The family went home, and soon Vaijayi noticed the swelling in his throat diminish. They knew it was Jesus who brought him relief.

The day Vaijayi was supposed to die came, but Vaijayi lived instead! The following day, the family returned to the church to attend Sunday morning worship. Once again, Pastor Tapan and the believers prayed for Vaijayi’s healing.

Later, during a second visit to the hospital, a doctor suggested an operation to get rid of the cancer completely. Though Vaijayi had no money to cover such an expense, God provided for a successful operation at no cost to Vaijayi, who gives the glory to God.

“The doctors said that I would not live for more than four days, and I thought my life on this earth would end within a few days,” Vaijayi declares. “But it is the Lord who healed me and provided money for the operation, and He turned my operation into a success.”

Gospel For Asia Supported Church Blesses Village

What started out as a house gathering has turned into a blessing for many. A simple church building did more than make a way for Vaijayi to receive encouragement from Pastor Tapan. Inside, Vaijayi met Jesus—and the promise of future life with Him.

Gospel for Asia founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan: God blessed these believers with a new place of worship just like He blessed Pastor Tapan’s congregation with one through their prayers.
God blessed these believers with a new place of worship just like He blessed Pastor Tapan’s congregation with one through their prayers.

Church buildings like the one which Vaijayi now worships in bring people together, provide shelter from the weather and serve as a permanent gathering place for growing congregations. Those who are more skeptical of believers often find the joy of Christ when, out of curiosity, they attend an indoor worship service.

You can help a growing congregation like Vaijayi’s.

Learn how to help communities seek Christ, by providing permanent church buildings for worship – an investment in the lives of many, for eternity.

*Names of people and places may have been changed for privacy and security reasons. Images are Gospel for Asia stock photos used for representation purposes and are not the actual person/location, unless otherwise noted.

Source: Gospel for Asia Featured Article, Four Days to Live

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