“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

Are you one of those folks, like me, who is crazy enough to believe that positivity, praise, and kindness can actually change the world?
Mark Twain said, “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” The Dalai Lama shared something similar: “This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.”
Maybe you’ve participated in the Random Acts of Kindness Challenge before. When I worked as a Starbucks barista, nearly every day, someone would pay for the coffee of the person behind them in the drive-thru. Random acts of kindness are great and we should keep doing them, but what could happen if you got intentional about being kind to one person, every single day, for 30 days?
That’s the idea behind this brand-new 30-Day Kindness Challenge. I hope you’ll join me! Once you sign up, you’ll get a welcome email, but here’s a bit about the challenge:
- Pick a target. Who is that one person you want to intentionally be kind to for the next 30 days? Your boss, partner, child, neighbor? Just pick one.
- Say nothing negative/negatively about your person.
- Find one positive thing every day (or as often as possible) that you can praise or affirm about your targeted person. Tell them and at least one other person what you’ve discovered.
- Everyday (or as often as possible) do a small act of kindness for your person.
In addition to weekly blogs on the subject of kindness, plus daily emails that will spark your creativity and encourage your kindness, I am also creating a private Facebook group for participants and I would love for your to be a part! Want to join? Send me an email with your Facebook username or email address and I’ll add you this weekend!
Are you ready to get started? Sign up here! The 30-Day Kindness Challenge starts Monday, January 16th!
Want to take this to the next level? Get the book by Shaunti Feldhahn. Just click here.