July 21, 2014

Allah (swt) is more merciful to His believing slaves than a mother is to her child. I love my daughter, almost to a fault. The crinkle of her eyes when she laughs, the way her lips curve downwards when she is asleep. The new words she learns daily and the mischief she always seems to get into. She reminds me of her Baba, may Allah have mercy on him. But I sometimes make decisions that cause her distress. I take... Read more

July 17, 2014

Indeed All praises are for You, My Lord. May Your Peace and Blessings be upon our Beloved Rasool. Today Ya Allah, I reach for you in the lowest of health. Ya Qaafidu do not abase me. Ya Raafiu elevate me to a high honor. Let me be one who is oft loving and pleasing to You in intention, word and action. Give me the breath, knowledge and strength to serve You as a mother, daughter, sister, neighbor and however You... Read more

July 14, 2014

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, declared that indeed, “The Muslim Ummah is like one body. If the eye is in pain then the whole body is in pain and if the head is in pain then the whole body is in pain.” We find ourselves in collective pain as current world events are breaking the hearts of millions around the country. We are witnessing unbearable levels of suffering that our generation has never before faced. The list... Read more

July 9, 2014

As Ramadan progresses this year, I have been tackling all the to-do lists in my head for things that need to be cleaned, purchased, decorated, and prepared. Additionally, my son is finally “old” enough  to understand the concept of Ramadan, so I wanted to create a memorable introduction to this blessed time of year for him. Thankfully, I had a lot of inspiration to work from through friends and social media. Instead of becoming overwhelmed with how much was out... Read more

July 7, 2014

I had just finished putting the baby down for his nap sheepishly awaiting some scream free time when my four year old exclaimed, “What can we do now?” It’s her most oft repeated question and it often feels like my well has run dry of ideas. I gave her a blank stare for about a minute and thought to myself that I can sit her in front of the computer and have her play a PBS kids game or really... Read more

June 30, 2014

The doors of heaven are open while the doors of hellfire are closed. The devils are tied up while Allah increases your rewards in multiples for every good that you do. It really is the most blessed time of the year; it is Ramadan. It is a time of revival for everyone – those who have been practicing for years, those who have just come to realize the beauty of feeling close to Allah and those who may have not... Read more

June 23, 2014

Often times we find ourselves overscheduled and tired, shuttling ourselves or our children from one appointment to another, from one class to another, from one school to another with barely anytime to take a break. And the frightening part is that we are passing this on to our children: the need to be busy, to always have someplace to go and something to do. But as parents we are also afraid that if we do not fill our children’s time... Read more

June 16, 2014

I have a sadness buried deep within my heart. It’s a private sorrow shared by many of us who don’t realize how we are ultimately connected, sisters in grief. Last year, just a week before Mother’s day, I had a miscarriage. I’m one of the lucky ones who has been already blessed with two children Alhumdulillah. Each time before, I got pregnant months, even weeks, within ‘deciding’ that we wanted a child. I was foolish and arrogant enough to think... Read more

June 9, 2014

After years of nagging them, the other day I finally took the time to show my sons the actual steps it takes to make their bed. Predictably, my eight-year old popped the question which endlessly bewilders all human males regarding this most counter-intuitive daily chore: “butBaba, WHY should I make my bed?” Preceded by a long empathetic sigh, this daddy spelled out his fully confident, years-in-the-making answer: “Because son, I do it every morning and I know it makes your... Read more

June 1, 2014

Do not miss what promises to be a very beneficial online “Greatest Moms of All Time” event by Nouman Ali Khan, Omar Suleiman, and others June 8th; they will be discussing biographies and practical lessons from the women that raised the Greatest men and women of all time!  Here are some great ideas for birthday party or play-date activities under a budget. Are you getting ready for Ramadan yet? This online “Rabata Ramadan Readiness” conference features many notable speakers, so take note!... Read more

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