May 27, 2016

I review the movie Gods of Egypt, a story about the God Horus and a mortal thief named Bek, trying to take the kingdom back from Set. Read more

May 25, 2016

180 Degrees of Separation is a series I will be doing discussing the differences between the northern and southern hemispheres, what these mean and how we might try to work with these differences effectively when necessary. Read more

May 23, 2016

This full moon I performed the Rite of Her Sacred Fires in honour of Hekate, along with numerous other people around the world. Not only was the Rite a wonderful experience, but the moon had a few surprises in store for me as well. Read more

May 19, 2016

I feel it's important as a blogger to be honest to my readers about myself as a Pagan, Witch and Hellene. So here are some of the many reasons I am not actually a Real Pagan, Real Witch or Real Hellene. Read more

May 17, 2016

It's really no fun to be told we should be following the Wiccan Rede by some not-even-a-Wiccan upstart when our Gods may be saying, "Hey, ever read about how they used to sacrifice animals to Me? Huh? HUH? DID YOU?" Read more

May 16, 2016

Over the past year I have finally had the opportunity to begin setting up a proper altar and shrine, safely out of reach of curious sticky little hands. Read more

May 13, 2016

The moon and its phases are a big part of Paganism. But there are some peculiar lunar phenomena that seem to get ignored by us. Read more

May 10, 2016

Bekah Evie Bel reviews the book, The Temple of Hekate, by Tara Sanchez. Read more

May 5, 2016

Bekah Evie Bel reviews the book Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads, by Sorita D'Este. Read more

May 2, 2016

I haven’t weighed in on the politics kerfuffle that has been pervading the Pagan and Heathen Blogospheres these past few weeks or more.  At most I have made a couple comments on posts about G&R;, including the one on Patheos Pagan written by Rhyd Wildermuth of G&R; (Through a Mirror Darkly). My contribution was mostly to point out how, when you write something a certain way, adding even multiple caveats is pointless in the extreme. I haven’t really touched the... Read more

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