June 17, 2016

This week on 180 Degrees of Separation we are looking at the seasons! How and why they are different between the hemispheres and how we in Aus can use the differences between certain commercial festivals and our opposite Sabbats to our advantage. Read more

June 15, 2016

All over Patheos Pagan you will be reading about the summer solstice. But I will let you in on a little known secret. It's winter down here. Read more

June 14, 2016

I am sorry that your tragedy is the platform used by other countries, including my own, to assert their superiority. Read more

June 13, 2016

A look at the Deipnon and my own rituals and observances during this Junes Deipnon. Read more

June 9, 2016

People who look like and identify as women, or people who look like and identify as men. Who do you really want in your bathrooms? Read more

June 8, 2016

180 Degrees of Separation is a series looking at the differences between the northern and southern hemispheres. This weeks is part 2 of the Moon, specifically the named full moons of each month and season and how to figure out the names for your area. Read more

June 6, 2016

I have a look at how and why we sometimes bring our ancestors and beloved dead into our religions. Read more

June 3, 2016

Goodbye to The Pagan Veil. Sometimes you have to do things you hate. Sometimes you have to let go of the things you care about. Read more

June 1, 2016

In 180 Degrees of Separation I take a look at how certain things differ between the northern and the southern hemispheres. In this post, it's all about the lunar phases, including basic lunar lore for Paganism. I have even included some full moon and dark moon calendars for multiple time zones. Read more

May 30, 2016

I wrote a story about the Aztec afterlife, Mictlan. Here it is for everyone to read. Read more

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