For a blog called “Hellbound?”, I don’t tend to write about hell very much. However, with the holiday season fast approaching, I thought I’d make a list of books that I tend to recommend the most when people ask me about hell. They are pretty much in order in terms of how frequently I recommend them, but you can’t go wrong with any of them. Of course, I should also recommend that you pick up a copy of Hellbound? on DVD. What could be better than watching the special features while sitting around a roaring fire?
Happy holidays! Here is the list:
3. Universal Salvation? The Current Debate
4. The Inescapable Love of God
5. The Evangelical Universalist
6. Raising Hell: Christianity’s Most Controversial Doctrine Put Under Fire
7. Her Gates Will Never Be Shut: Hope, Hell, and the New Jerusalem
8. Razing Hell: Rethinking Everything You’ve Been Taught about God’s Wrath and Judgment
9. The Last Word and the Word after That: A Tale of Faith, Doubt, and a New Kind of Christianity
10. All You Want to Know About Hell: Three Christian Views of Gods Final Solution to the Problem of Sin