May 3, 2013

The President whom our Latino brothers and sisters, mamás y papás, and community overwhelmingly voted for on this past presidential election, shocked some of us once again. Regarding the morning after pill he said, “I’m very comfortable with the decision they’ve made right now based on solid scientific evidence for girls 15 and older.” Click here to read entire Christian Post article here The Commander in Chief is now the “Comfortable” in Chief regarding the sexual decision of this country’s... Read more

May 3, 2013

Bullseye! I love it when the latest business or leadership concept points us back to the 1st century reflecting a Jesus-shaped (J-Shaped) way of thinking. Margaret Heffernan, writing for Money Watch on May 2nd produced an article entitled “Great Leaders Aren’t Smug.” Read the whole article at Her basic premise is that truly strong leaders maintain a certain level of humility, modesty, and maybe a little anxiety. They make room for other leaders that maybe be viewed as more... Read more

April 13, 2013

As I had lunch with a new friend who is highly involved in the political scene of our city, he told me something that is a stereotypical view of Hispanic Evangelicals. He said that some of his colleagues who were Democrats thought he was having lunch with a Republican when he told them he was having lunch with a Hispanic Evangelical pastor. For those who may not be aware of this, what my friend heard is a typical reaction by... Read more

April 9, 2013

“Our collective heart stands broken as a result of Pastor Rick Warren’s loss; the passing of his son Matthew. We pray for healing and strength for the Warren and Saddleback family. Yet, this tragedy facilitates an opportunity if not an obligation for the Christian community to address mental illness. Mental illness exists in and outside of the church community. Christians struggle with depression and even suicidal thoughts. It does not make you less of a Christian. Just like heart disease... Read more

April 5, 2013

The tragedy of Newtown, Conn., the Colorado theater massacre and other egregious violations of our communal serenity demonstrate that in the 21st century, the spirit of Herod still lives. In the New Testament, the biblical narratives include the presence of three different Herods. The first Herod persecuted Jesus as a baby, the second Herod prosecuted John the Baptist and the third Herod executed disciples. Each embodied an unbridled commitment to mindless violence. To that extent, the spirit of Herod still... Read more

April 4, 2013

By Andrew Thompson es estudiante de último año con especialidad en comunicaciones en Wheaton College en Illinois Una nueva alianza de universidades cristianas quiere que el 25 por ciento de su estudiantado sea hispano para el 2015. Para algunos, la educación es una expectativa. Para otros, es un sueño inalcanzable. Unos la miran como la puerta al triunfo, mientras que otros la ven como una tarea sin valor. Pero para Andrea Reyes Ramírez, es mucho más que eso. Es su... Read more

April 2, 2013

The National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, The Hispanic Evangelical Association, responded today to the unfortunate term Congressman Young engaged in describing Hispanic migrant workers. As Christ followers we stand committed to an agenda that replaces rhetorical pornography with the redemptive language of love, tolerance, compassion and reconciliation. The pejorative term “wetback,” reminds us of a time in our Nation’s history when racial epithets stood unchecked, while many of our brothers and sisters of color lived in a segregated society, demeaned,... Read more

March 28, 2013

I am writing this letter to you today, to represent the Latino population that I serve. Nothing sparks a more hotly contested public debate and is a more highly politicized issue than immigration reform. I too want to serve those under my watch. As CEO of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) I need to share my concerns and those of the 40,000 churches, the dozens of community agencies and the millions of its members regarding the millions of... Read more

March 26, 2013

For me and my colleagues in the Conservatives for Comprehensive Immigration Reform coalition, we want to see a fair, pragmatic, and just immigration reform that respects the rule of law; secures our borders, our businesses, and our visa process; ensures fairness to taxpayers; protects the unity of the immediate family; and especially respects the God-­given dignity of every person. Furthermore, we strongly feel that our nation has a moral imperative to assure that any immigration reform establishes a path toward... Read more

March 23, 2013

In February I attended the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC. This was a remarkable experience. Since 1953, a group of members of Congress have met for prayer in the Spirit of Jesus of Nazareth. They gathered to pray for the nation and for the President of the United States. When President Eisenhower heard about the first gathering, he asked if he could come. The members of Congress agreed and held the first National Prayer Breakfast at the Washington Hilton.... Read more

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